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New updates and improvements to NY Property Tax
← BackExciting News! Introducing My Tax Property Grievance App
When I first moved to Nassau County, Long Island, I was overwhelmed with mail from tax grievance companies offering to reduce my property taxes—at a hefty price. They wanted a cut of 20% to 35% of any savings, which felt excessive, especially when those fees could equal someone's weekly salary.
As a software engineer, I knew there had to be a better way. So, I built an app (along with a Chrome extension) that empowers you to grieve your property taxes yourself—easily and affordably. The experts at ARC recommend grieving your taxes every year, whether you win or not, as it helps keep your taxes in check long term.
Now, for just $79, you can take control of your tax grievance process without the need to spend over $1,000 in fees. Save more. Keep more. Try it today!